Thursday, December 20, 2012

Vocab and Spelling Tests Returned

7th and 8th Grade vocab tests were returned today.  I went through the test with the students and discussed some study strategies.  I showed them how almost all the answers in the test can be found in the definition of the word, so if a student knows and understands the definition, they can perform well on the test.

6th Graders received their spelling tests today.  It is clear that the students have been studying hard for them!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Week of December 17th

7th and 8th graders have been working on a persuasive paper recently.  That will be due by Wednesday.  Several students will be on trips Tuesday and Wednesday.  They have until Friday to fiinish their paper, but if they need more time on a computer (and they don't have one at home) I have offered for them to either come in during lunch or stay after school. I am more than happy to accomodate them, but I just ask that they give me a little bit of a heads up.

6th graders will be working on letters to send off to service members for the holidays this week.

There will be no spelling or vocab tests/homework this week.  Happy holidays!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Week of December 10th

6th Grade: These pages are found in the Spelling Packet students receive weekly.
            Monday -- First Section ONLY  p. 45
            Tuesday -- All of  p.46
            Wednesday -- All of  p. 47
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Spelling test

7th Grade:  These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 7 Work Book.
            Monday -- Section 7A p. 64-65           
            Tuesday --  Section 7B and 7C  p.65-66
            Wednesday --  Section 7D p. 67
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Vocab test

8th Grade: These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 8 Work Book.
              Monday -- Section 7A p. 67-68
            Tuesday --  Section 7B and 7C  p.69-70
            Wednesday --  Section 7D p. 71
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Vocab test

Friday, December 7, 2012

Vocab Tests Returned

The vocabulary tests were returned to the 7th and 8th graders today.  We discussed some more study strategies as well, but I cannot emphasize enough that a little studying every day helps! When I survey the class, I see very few hands raised for studying more than the day before the test.

Keep an eye out for those tests and have a great weekend!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Week of December 3rd

There will be no spelling or vocab tests this week.

7th Grade: 
         Tonight:  Read the "Evaluating Websites" article.  Highlight and take notes on the most important ideas.  There will be a short quiz on the information in the article and you will be able to use your notes.
          For the week:  Be sure to have at least one article printed on your persuasive essay topic for Friday.

8th Grade:
         The advertisment for your group is due on Thursday.  Presentations of your advertisement and product are on Friday.

6th Grade:
        Spelling tests are going home today.