Friday, October 26, 2012

Vocab Test 4 returned today!

Just letting parents know to expect the last vocab test home today! 

A few words on studying for the Wordly Wise Vocab Tests:

Some students are struggling with these and from what I've gathered from surveying the class, not enough students are spending some time studying these words every day.  This is very important because the test doesn't merely require students to memorize the definition, they really need to know the word (synonyms, antonyms, how it is used in a sentence, etc.). 

What I have suggested to students is that they focus on five words on Monday, another five on Tuesday, the last five on Wednesday, and review all the words on Thursday.  This way they can get deeper into studying the words and it's not overwhelming because they only focus on five at a time. 

I hope this helps!  But I cannot express enough that just cramming the words the night before will not help you.  You may get away with now and again, but sooner or later it'll catch up to you!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week of October 22nd

There will be no homework or tests this week.  Students will be working on their Power Point presentations (which will be their quarterly assessment grades).  Students may choose to revise one paper they wrote this marking period for a better grade (please only revise papers that were graded as Bs or below).  If they do they must hand in a their original paper and rubric along with their revised paper.  The students were informed of this several times over the last few weeks.  This is something I'd like to continue every marking period.  I hope everyone is enjoying this lovely fall weather!

Friday, October 19, 2012

6th Grade Spelling Tests

Just letting you know I was able to grade them and hand them back today!  Thanks so much for all your hard work!  Lots of wonderful grades this week!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Homework for Week of Oct. 15th, 2012

We will be working on power point presentations these next two weeks.  Students will present presentation to the class and practice honing their speech skills!
6th Grade: These pages are found in the Spelling Packet students receive weekly.
            Monday -- Crossword Only  p. 33
            Tuesday -- All of  p.34
            Wednesday -- All of  p. 35
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Spelling test

7th Grade:  These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 7 Work Book.
            Monday -- Section 4A p. 33-34           
            Tuesday --  Section 4B and 4C  p.34-36
            Wednesday --  Section 4D p. 36
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Vocab test

8th Grade: These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 8 Work Book.
              Monday -- Section 4A p. 36-37           
            Tuesday --  Section 4B and 4C  p.37-38
            Wednesday --  Section 4D p. 39
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Vocab test

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Returning Vocab Tests

I am returning last week's vocab tests to the 7th and 8th graders today!  Keep an eye out for those!  Also, a reminder that the MyAccess narrative we've been working on since last week is due TOMORROW.  Because we've been working on it for two weeks, it won't be open for the weekend.  I'll be adding the grades to PASS tomorrow.

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Week of October 8th!

Hope everyone is rested up and energized from the 3 day weekend!  No one stayed up late all night for sleep overs right??? ;-)

I am giving back the spelling tests and expository essays today.  I am holding the vocabulary tests from last week until I have some students make them up. 

HW this week:

6th grade:  Work on MyAccess essay.  It is due Friday.

7th and 8th Grade:Work on MyAccess essay.  It is due Friday.  Also, think of a topic for your power point presentation (next week's project)  in which you will present and teach the class something.

Paper Revisions:

Every Marking Period if a student would like to revise one essay that they've written, they are welcome to.  I will give it a new, higher grade if the student improves the essay.  If it isn't improved then their grade stays the same.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Vocabulary and Spelling Tests returned

7th and 8th grade:
Many students did much better on the Vocabulary Tests last week!  I was very impressed.  Parents -- keep an eye out for these vocab tests.  I will be returning them today.

6th Grade:
Spelling tests are also being returned so watch out for those as well! 
            Spelling Tips:  I'd like to encourage the 6th graders to remember to study for spelling tests even if you feel you don't need to. 
  • It helps to study with a buddy.  Or, there are lots of computer programs and tools on the Internet (like google translate)  where you can type in a list of words and have it read back to you.  Then you can test yourself. 
  • Also,  I like to find smaller words in a spelling word that I know I can spell.  For example, the word "city" is at the end of "electricity."  Knowing small parts of a word helps you spell the whole thing
  • Another way to help is to say words funny out loud to yourself in a way that will help you remember how it is spelt.  For example, I'll say "nomineeeeeee!"  to myself, really exaggerating the eeee sound at the end.  That helps me remember that nominee is spelled with two 'E's at the end.