Monday, February 25, 2013

Week of Feb. 25th

6th Grade: These pages are found in the Spelling Packet students receive weekly.
            Monday -- First Section ONLY  p. 53
            Tuesday -- All of  p.54
            Wednesday -- All of  p. 55
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Spelling test

7th Grade:  These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 7 Work Book.
            Monday -- Section 10D            
            Tuesday --  Section 10E
            Wednesday --  Study Words
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Vocab test

8th Grade: These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 8 Work Book.
              Monday -- Section 10D            
            Tuesday --  Section 10E
            Wednesday --  Study Words
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Vocab test

Friday, February 22, 2013

Vocab Tests Returned

The 8th Graders are getting thier vocab tests back!  A lot of improved grades so check them out!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Week of Feb. 18th

The 7th Graders received their graded vocab tests from last week, so keep an eye out for them.  Lots of As and Bs!  I'm very proud!

6th Grade:            
            Wednesday -- a sentence for each word: favorite, circuit, circumvent, rehearse, and traitor
            Thursday -- a sentence for each word: courtesy, courteous, humor, humorous, energy
7th Grade:  These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 7 Work Book.
            Monday --         
            Tuesday --  Section 10A
            Wednesday --  Section 10B
            Thursday -- Section 10C
            Friday --

8th Grade: These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 8 Work Book.
              Monday --         
            Tuesday --  Section 10A
            Wednesday --  Section 10B
            Thursday -- Section 10C
            Friday --

Monday, February 11, 2013

For the week of Feb. 11th

6th Grade: These pages are found in the Spelling Packet students receive weekly.
          Monday -- p. 49
          Tuesday -- p. 50        
         Wednesday -- p. 51         
          Thursday -- Study Words
           Friday -- Spelling test

7th Grade:  These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 7 Work Book.
            Tuesday --  Vocab Test Week 9

                    8th Grade: These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 8 Work Book.
                         Wednesday --  Vocab test Week 9

Monday, February 4, 2013

For the Week of Feb. 4th

6th Grade: These pages are found in the Spelling Packet students receive weekly.
          Monday -- Write a sentence for each of the 5 spelling words
          Tuesday -- Write a sentence for each of the 5 spelling words          
         Wednesday -- Write a sentence for each of the 5 spelling words          
          Thursday --
           Friday -- Spelling test Next Friday the 15th

7th Grade:  These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 7 Work Book.
            Monday -- Section 9C p. 88          
            Tuesday --  Section  9D  p.89
            Wednesday --  Section 9E p. 90-92
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Vocab test

8th Grade: These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 8 Work Book.
             Monday -- Section 9C p. 93          
            Tuesday --  Section  9D  p.94
            Wednesday --  Section 9E p. 95- 98
            Thursday -- Study Words
            Friday -- Vocab test

Friday, February 1, 2013

Stars with Sixes

The wall of names is growing!  Many students are getting excellent scores, including 6s, on MyAccess.  I'm so proud and excited for everyone.  It's a wonderful thing, getting to see the joy on a student's face when they find that they've achieved their first 6 ... really reminds of why I love my job!