Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week of Feb. 22nd

This week students will practice completing a research paper.  They will be searching for a famous person's quote about "trustworthiness" (which is our grade level's assigned C.O.R.R.E.C.T. trait).  They will research information on the quote's author, make inferences about how the quote relates to that author's experiences, and connect the quote to their own lives.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

7D Tricky Tray Basket

Dear Parents of homeroom 7D:

It’s that time again to ask for your support in our biggest fundraiser event of the year!  The 12th Annual OCS Bright Beginnings Tricky Tray is scheduled for Saturday, April 23, 2016.  We hope you will come out and join us for this fun evening.  All money raised from this event goes directly to support our students and school. 

Every year, families of the students in each classroom/homeroom donate items related to a theme, thus making up a classroom basket.  These classroom baskets are then raffled off among the other prizes at the tricky tray.  This year, I have volunteered to be the Classroom Coordinator for our class.  I will be gathering the items donated and making up the basket for the Tricky Tray.

The PTA greatly appreciates all of the effort and generosity that goes into these baskets.  At last year’s event, the classroom baskets combined earned the PTA an outstanding $8,000 in ticket sales!  Not only are these baskets “money makers,” but a reflection of our school pride and sense of community.

The PTA will reward the top three baskets that generate the most ticket sales!
This year, our classroom voted on the basket theme which is: __ipad/kindle basket
Here are some ideas for items to be sent in:

Gift cards for i-tunes
eBook gift cards
Monetary donations to purchase either an ipad or kindle

If anyone is short on time, a monetary donation may be made and I will shop for your child’s class donation.
Also, please consider making an individual family or group (friends/neighbors/club) basket.  All baskets are valued at $25.00 and up. This is a great way to show your support of our school!

Also, if you work for a corporation that makes tax-deductible donations or if your employer would like to contribute, please forward our TIN # 20-3778677.  Too shy to ask? A Tricky Tray committee member can make the call; just forward the information to us.  We are also looking for door prizes that we can give away and advertise any businesses (i.e. pens, stationery items, plastic bags, totes, etc.).

Thank you and please feel free to contact me or the Tricky Tray Committee with any questions.

PLEASE SEND IN YOUR DONATIONS BY Friday, April 1, 2016 directly to our classroom or to me.  All items should be new and unused.

Please e-mail me at cybermomof4@gmail.com or call me at 908 453-4389 with any questions.  You can also speak to Ms. Dean directly at cdean@oxfordcentral.org

Thank you,

Kiki Frasca  

Classroom Coordinator

Monday, February 8, 2016

Week of February 8th

Students will be comparing last week's drama version of the story Sorry, Wrong Number to a movie version.  They will need to identify and explain which is more suspenseful and effective at telling the story.

We will also be reading some Scope magazine articles and learning a little about the poet Langston Hughes in honor of Black History Month.

Tricky Tray Basket News

7D will be doing an iPad/Kindle themed basket.  Please read through the flyer that was sent home or you may email me with any questions you have regarding the basket.  Monetary donations would be much appreciated.  Depending on whether or not we decide on a Kindle or iPad -- iTunes or eBooks gift cards could also be an option.  Thank you so much for your time!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

This week!

We will be reading and discussing a drama called "Sorry, Wrong Number" this week.  Students will learn a little history on how phone lines used to work as well as learning about the elements of drama.

See below for a link to a radio play version of the story.
