Friday, May 27, 2016

Finally... a Utopia!!!

Welcome back from a wonderful class trip 7th Graders!

Unfortunately, I'll be out with the 8th graders for their trip when we get back from Memorial Day weekend.  Students will continue to work on their Utopias in the lab along with a few other projects if they happen to finish up their Utopia presentations.

Other projects include:

Saving a Memory-- Students will choose a memory from childhood to describe in the first person point of view using plenty of sensory details.  The idea is to capture a moment that The Giver has taught us that we should not take for granted

A Day in the Life of Your Utopia -- Students will write a story of a character having an eye opening moment in their utopias that they have created.  Students must look critically at their communities and identify major weaknesses despite their attempt to create a perfect world for this narrative.

Deep Sea Haiku -- Students will write a Haiku about the deep sea creature they drew for Ms. Stocker's math class.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Wrapping up The Giver!

Tuesday:  Make up Vocab Quiz for absent students
Wednesday: Student will get their final chance to bring up their MyAccess grade for the assignment given at the beginning of the year.
Thursday:  Watch the movie version of The Giver.  Students will compare the movie with the book.
Friday:  Breech of spoiler contract papers due.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The final week of our novel

We will be finishing up The Giver this week.  Wednesday will be our last vocabulary quiz and due date for the final packet of facts and questions for the book.

The Spring Concert is scheduled for May 19th and it starts at 6:00 pm. Students need to be at school to prepare at 5:30.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Chapters 11-17

Thursday:  Vocab quiz

This week we will  be discovering many things Jonas' society does not have, things that we take for granted in our world.