Monday, September 25, 2017

Week of Sept. 25th

7th Grade General info:

Friday: Yankee Candle fundraiser orders/money due in by Friday.  30% of money raised goes towards individual student's class trip funds.

Wear gold and bring in money to donate to cancer research.

7th Grade ELA info:

Tuesday: Rogue Wave Vocab Quiz
Wednesday: Rogue Wave Story Test

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Week of Sept. 14th

Please sign, have your parents sign, and return the "Use of Internet" forms as soon as possible!

For Wednesday night -- write 2 sentences for each of "Rogue Wave" 's vocabulary words (5 words found in the margins of the story)

We will have a quiz on the words Friday.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Week of Sept. 11th

This Week: 

Make sure to have a book cover, your parent information handed (preferred emails and phone numbers), and the class contract signed.

This week we are starting to get back into the groove.  We're practicing putting our brains to good use with a close reading of Ray Bradbury's The Pedestrian.  


For Thursday's homework I'd like students to reread the story and identify 3 similes or metaphors in the text.

Image result for The pedestrianImage result for The pedestrian

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Welcome Back!!!!!

Image result for welcome back meme

I hope everyone had a lovely summer!  I can't wait to get to know this new group of students!

Homework this week:

By Friday:
   Cover Collections book
   Sign and have parents sign the back of the class contract
   Bring in Parent Contact info to homeroom teacher