Monday, May 20, 2013

Homework for the Week of May 20th

6th Grade:      Students are continuing their M.A.R.E  projects this week.  They will be planning and then typing their stories into MyAccess.
The following HW pages are available in the weekly Spelling words packets that are distributed on Mondays. 
           Monday -- p69
           Tuesday -- p70           
           Wednesday -p71
           Thursday --   Study for test
           Friday -- spelling test

7th Grade: Students will be continuing their M.A.R.E. projects while working with a partner. They will start organizing and planning their story.

8th Grade: Students will be continuing their Washington, D.C. research papers this week.  They will be researching a monument or museum that we will be visiting on the coming class trip.
 Home work for the week:               
                Thursday -- 12 Note cards (9 paraphrases and 3 quotes) and at least 3 source cards should be finished before class today

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Homework for the week of May 13th!!!

6th Grade:      Students are starting their M.A.R.E  projects this week!  They will be researching an island of their choosing to use as the setting for a narrative story!

The following HW pages are available in the weekly Spelling words packets that are distributed on Mondays. 
           Monday -- p65
           Tuesday -- p66           
           Wednesday -p67
           Thursday --   Study for test
           Friday -- spelling test

7th Grade: Students will be starting their M.A.R.E. projects this week.  They will be researching a coral reef creature and then writing a creative and informative children's story about their creatures with a partner.
The following pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 7 Work Book.
            Monday --   Section 13D      
            Tuesday --Section 13E
            Wednesday --  Study words
           Thursday -- Study words
            Friday -- Vocab test

8th Grade: Students will be starting their Washington, D.C. research papers this week.  They will be researching a monument or museum that we will be visiting on the coming class trip.
 The following pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 7 Work Book.            Monday --   Section 13D      
            Tuesday --Section 13E
            Wednesday --  Study words
           Thursday -- Study words
            Friday -- Vocab test

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Week of May 6th!

Good luck to the 5th and 6th graders taking the NJASK this week!  I will miss you little buggers! Good luck to the 6th Grade Archers as well!

7th Grade:  These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 7 Work Book.
            Monday --   Section 13A      
            Tuesday --Section 13B and 13C
            Wednesday -- 
            Thursday -- Good luck to the Archers!!!!
            Friday -- Vocab test NEXT Friday 

8th Grade: These pages are found in the Wordly Wise Book 8 Work Book.
            Monday --   Section 13A      
            Tuesday --Section 13B and 13C
            Wednesday -- 
            Thursday -- Good luck to the Archers!!!!
            Friday -- Vocab test NEXT Friday